Our feelings are part of what makes us human. But it can be frustrating when you don’t feel in control of them, especially when you’re having tough conversations.
It’s normal for long-term relationships to lose passion when kids, work, and the humdrum of life’s responsibilities get in the way. But that doesn’t mean the spark is gone forever.
Everybody makes mistakes, especially in relationships. But if you’ve been feeling stuck, making the same missteps in all your relationships, you might not be learning from them.
While breakups are tough, they actually teach us a lot about ourselves. You learn what you want from relationships, how you communicate with others, and how to avoid making the same mistakes.
At this point, you might have even dismissed it as just another relationship cliché. But does research actually back up the idea that you should never go to bed angry?
We all want validation from other people. It feels good to be complimented and praised. But when we rely too much on other people to validate us, we’ll find ourselves questioning our self-worth.
If you’re looking for couples therapy, you might not know where to start. Even if you’re familiar with individual approaches to therapy, couples therapy is a whole new arena.
If you have an emotionally distant partner, you’re probably feeling stuck, frustrated, and unheard. After all, your needs deserve to be met just as much as theirs.
It’s important to have expectations for your relationships. They help you set standards and boundaries. When you enter a relationship feeling confident about your dealbreakers and what you expect from a partner, you’re more likely to feel fulfilled.
We all want to feel emotionally validated in our relationships. This provides a sense of comfort and stability. We know we’re doing something right when we feel supported and listened to by our partners. But what if your partner dismisses or belittles your emotions?