Relationships need compromise. But for people-pleasers in relationships, the balance between giving and receiving can become lopsided, leading to issues that are often difficult to address.
Our childhoods affect our adulthoods, plain and simple. When our needs during these early years go unmet, it can mess up our relationships in the long term.
Supporting a partner with depression can be tough. But when you’re an empathetic, understanding partner, you can make a big difference in their healing journey.
If you have a partner with ADHD, you might be feeling disconnected. When one person has a neurodevelopmental disorder and the other doesn’t, it’s important to try to understand what’s going on inside their head.
Relationships are built on trust and communication. Conversations, whether they’re about an important conflict or just your day at work, are how you communicate with and listen to your partner.
When a partner is unfaithful, it’s a painful blow to the relationship. Often it doesn’t matter whether they had a physical affair or an emotional one—the betrayal is felt all the same
In every relationship, validation plays an important role in building trust and emotional support. To be good partners, we should all want to make our loved ones feel seen, heard, and understood.
An emotionally distant partner can be difficult to connect with. Typically, they avoid intimate conversations, conflict, and acknowledging their own feelings.